Part: 1, Playtime: 24 min.
Look from the drivers position on the line Basel SBB - Brig of the SBB in Switzerland. Part 1 from Basel SBB towards Olten.
Part: 2, Playtime: 31 min.
Look from the drivers position on the line Basel SBB - Brig of the SBB in Switzerland. Part 2 from Olten towards Bern.
Part: 3, Playtime: 32 min.
Look from the drivers position on the line Basel SBB - Brig of the SBB in Switzerland. Part 3 from Bern towards Spiez.
Part: 4, Playtime: 30 min.
Look from the drivers position on the line Basel SBB - Brig of the SBB in Switzerland. Part 4 from Spiez towards Kandersteg.
Part: 5, Playtime: 33 min.
Look from the drivers position on the line Basel SBB - Brig of the SBB in Switzerland. Part 5 from Kandersteg towards Brig.